Rabu, 03 Januari 2018

Block Bank provides a fully integrated, vertically integrated service

Block Bank Platform is a decentralized interactive financial platform and one of the first generation banks to use blockchain to improve the efficiency and security of its financial services. The platform is also supported by chain block technology projects. This project is focused on everyone in the world to use the crpto currency. This will be the first decentralized bank worldwide. Block chain platform not only provides detailed information control but also ensures fast and accurate transactions are reliable, Platforn is also very easy to use.

 The Block Bank Platform also has excellent objectives to provide a fully integrated, vertically integrated service with blockchain technology that will provide transparency to Block Bank customers and investors. All this is done so that clients can ensure Block Banks activity and their investment security. In addition Block Platform Bank also has a clear vision of vision Block Bank vision is the first concept of its kind which is a digital funding platform designed to serve human needs rather than for profit alone, Block Bank mission will serve as a crypto based decentralization funding platform. designed to be a funding source focused on meeting human needs and Block Bank is revolutionizing the existing banking industry to make it more available and affordable even in banked or underbanked countries. Excess Blocks Bank, Low Cost, Transparent, Faster Transactions, Security and Quality Data integrity. Benefits of Block Bank, Provide Oprasional, Fiat Lending, Crypto lending, Have long-term investment, Real assets

Start date: November 20, 2017
End: December 20, 2017
One token price: $ 0.2
SoftCap: 2 500 000 ($ 500 000)
HardCap: 10 000 00 Tokens (2 000 000 $)

Start: August 8, 2018
End: March 2018 15
One token price: $ 0.5
HardCap: 100 000 00 Tokens ($ 50,000,000)
Start: June 10, 2018
End: October 20th October 18th
One token price: $ 0.6
HardCap: 500 000 00 token (300.000

Pre sale starting 20.11.2017. and it will last for a month. There will be a big bonus for those who join faster. The starting price goes up, so you better join early. So you should be immediately possible, and join now! Platform Block Bank also provides some bounty campaign we hope you can also follow and some campaigns have been given a landing that has been specified you must complete and adhere to the rules. The bounty kanpanye program includes:

Facebook campaign - 5%
Twitter campaign - 5%
LinkedIn campaign - 5%
Telegram campaign - 5%
Media campaign - 15%
Translation campaign - 10%
Bitcointalk signature campaign - 10%
Reservation for future campaigns and airdrops - 10%
Opinion Leaders and brand ambassadors - 25%
Advertising campaign - 15%

The Block Bank platform has also ranked after ICO is developing a decentralized Bank Block financial platform with investor partnerships that believe in the profitability of the business. Such sophisticated tools will be created through traditional online banking services. Block Bank's main advantage is blockchain technology so customers can have total visibility of the investment or loan they will see, because the block chain can be used to monitor your transactions. The platform can also be expanded to monitor banking services, bonuses, deposits and other financial data. Customers will be able to manage their own business without any third party int.

Username:maulana rifai
My Ethereum Address:0x84B1bb326F1a2F1E12396465B47B2dbE9a8A6F00

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